Frontside Wallet

My new wallet design, it's a simple thin and very functional design for front or rear pocket carry. Made from very thin Hermann Oak leather, or kangaroo hide it's around 4mm thick without any cards or cash inside. With 4 cards and two twenty dollar bills it's around 8mm thick. It's designed to limit what you can carry in the wallet, to limit the overall thickness. So if you're the type of person who carries allot of things with them, this likely isn't the wallet for you unless you'd like to pare down what you carry to get a thinner profile.
I originally designed this wallet when I was pocket carrying a handgun and needed to move my wallet from my front pocket back to my rear. To help my back pain I made this super thin and functional setup and after many requests to sell them on the site I finally got things around to be able to do it.
Currently it's available in black kangaroo hide with black stitching, and natural cowhide with brown stitching. These will be sold in stock, not custom ordered like my normal holsters etc. They will not be subject to the lead time like a normal rig because my wife is taking charge of these;) If you'd like something custom color or engraved, then please shoot me an email and I will go over pricing and details.