Closing Time Appendix IWB(inside the waistband) Holster

My appendix holster draws inspiration from many other designs currently on the market, but it also brings together a unique combination of features to make an excellent appendix carry holster. An appendix holster is designed to be carried forward of the hip on your strong side. So for instance, if you're right handed, it would be carried just to the right of your belt buckle. That is actually where it gets it's name. Closing time for bars is late, after 12 o'clock, and this holster is carried between 12 o'clock and around 2 o'clock on the belt. Of course, if you're a lefty, then it's carried between 10 and 12 o'clock roughly.
Minimal thickness of leather at the muzzle to limit the pressure applied to the inside of the leg.
The “wing” provides a built in cam action which rotates the grip tight to the body making this holster conceal extremely well, even with a large firearm.
Strong steel clip allow this holster to be installed or removed very easily. It is designed to be extremely secure on the belt to insure they never come off during the drawing of the holster.
Full sweat shield to cover the rear of the gun so that it doesn’t dig into your side while carrying.
The holster allows a full combat grip on the gun while in the holster. This insures you can grip the handgun correctly at the start of the draw without having to change your grip during or after the draw.
Each and every holster I build is designed and molded for your particular gun to insure it fits properly.
All of my holsters are available in left or right handed configurations.
Additional Information
With this holster, I can actually carry a 5in. 1911 on my medium build frame completely concealed in a t-shirt. I'd actually say total print, it may be the most concealable holster that I build. Of course it can be argued that my other rigs, like my Texas, also conceal very well. The biggest advantage to this style of holster for concealment is while moving and bending it doesn't really increase the amount of printing, where as a typical holster worn on the hip will print more when bending.
Now, despite all of those positives, everything is a give and take. In my opinion, Appendix carry is one of those positions that requires some compromise. You may disagree but this is my experience. I've found that standing is quite comfortable, as is walking, etc. Sitting is alright but it's not as comfortable for me as running a normal holster on my hip. It's comfortable enough for short duration but sitting, say driving for a couple hours, isn't very comfortable for me. That said I've never had any appendix holster that was comfortable in that scenario. Crouching, etc., can be somewhat limited comfort wise, but that does also depend on the length of the gun to a large degree.
Another thing to note there is a sweet spot for appendix in my opinion in the length of the gun. Something between 4-5in. in barrel length in an automatic seems to be about ideal for most builds. So Glock 19/23 or Commander 1911. If you're a larger guy then something like a Glock 17 or Full sized 5in. 1911 may be a good option. Generally speaking a mid size to larger firearm seems to carry better, it's counter intuitive but it's something to be aware of. Also of note let's say something like a Glock 43 it only carries slightly easier than a Glock 19 in this style of rig in my experience and in some ways the larger gun may carry better. So take that for what it is, but that's been my experiences in testing various setups with this design and others. I did remove some of the smallest guns which just aren't applicable like the LCP or other similarly sized guns. I left some of the smaller but not smallest guns because while they may not carry better than a slightly larger gun some guys don't have both available to them, so at least there is an option available for them. Any questions on application or size of guns in this rig as always feel free to contact me via the site or email and I'm happy to give my advice on what will work for you.
NOTE: Exotics are not included in the base pricing, they are listed on the drop down menu with prices.